Reviews of Do You Dare:
This nonfiction quiz book has a “dare to choose” theme that asks readers what they’d prefer in unpleasant and unexpected situations. Throughout the book, the page layout consists of wacky questions and quizzes that really push readers to think outside of the box and their comfort zones, such as: "If you were on a deserted island, would you prefer to be alone OR with an arch-enemy?" The questions also encourage groups of kids to become engaged by asking questions like: "You are with a group of friends walking through a deep, dark wood. There are monsters, lots of monsters. Do you take the lead and walk at the front of the line or bring up the rear?” This book is filled with silly questions and daring activities which will keep kids engaged and laughing while they decide what wacky choices they should make. Although Do You Dare? is a nonfiction title, there is no index or glossary, but, due to the work’s brevity and subject focus, an index/glossary is not needed.
Highly Recommended.

-CM Magazine
Reviews of The Quiz Book for Boys:
"This fun quiz book, with subject matter most suitable and appealing to boys, asks many off-the-wall questions....Filled with humorous activities, bizarre questions and fascinating facts, this short text will amuse and delight young readers. It should be a fun addition to both elementary library and classroom collections."
- Resource Links
Reviews of The Quiz Book for Spies:
"3 Stars! The amount of fun you will get out of this book is probably worth the modest price. The Quiz Book for Spies is full of word play, picture puzzles, secret codes, jokes and a couple of ‘choose your own adventure’ type stories. Everything is related to spying with some interesting trivia included. Maybe you knew that chef Julia Child was a spy, but did you also know that she invented a shark repellant?
My favourite activity was “Can You Decode Teacherspeak?”, funny ‘translations’ that rang surprisingly true. The young readers will probably recognize the ‘translations’ also, but I’m not sure they will see the humour like I did.
Because the answers to each activity are placed immediately after the activity, there is no extra step required to flip to the back of the book or turn the page upside down. Developing readers will probably have fun working their way through the pages or skipping about to do the activities in random order.
In addition to the reading and writing ‘spy’ activities, there is also one series of physical tests to determine “Are You Fit to be a Spy?” The activities test upper body strength, core strength, aerobic fitness and balance. A simple evaluation scale tells readers how close they are to being a “Super Spy”.