Reviews for Quiz Books for Girls:
"Popular magazines usually have one, maybe two quizzes inside. The Quiz Book for Girls has twenty-nine. Quizzes vary in length (six to twenty questions), but each has scoring instructions and a list of answers on the pages following the last question. The quizzes focus on beliefs, values, friends, talents, and in one quiz, the county of Canada. Questions are answered by choosing yes or no, true or false, or the letter A, B, or C. Answers are compiled by using simple addition. A few quizzes stand out from the rest because physical activity is involved. The quiz entitled “How Artsy are You?” involves folding hands and arms, and the quiz about fitness has directions for push-ups, sit-ups and balancing on one leg...
...after completing the quizzes in this book, girls can come away with positive feelings about themselves. Some categories give tips for improvement (such as how to be a better listener) or include words of praise or self-acceptance. This book would be entertaining for girls to do alone or with friends, or it could be used as a fun way for reluctant female readers to interact with a book.
Highly Recommended.
- CM Magazine
Reviews for Quiz Books for BFFs:
The 31 quizzes in The Quiz Book for BFFs will have girlfriends talking and laughing. While some of the quizzes can be completed alone (Are You a Loyal Friend?), several are to be worked on together (How Well Do You Know Your BFF?). The questions cover a variety of topics including school, gossip, hobbies, goals and classmates. While many of the questions can be answered with a yes/no, or a letter (a-d), one quiz incorporates drawing and another physical activity. Best friends who need challenging questions can find them in "Do You and Your BFF Really Think Alike?", and "Would You Rather?". Geared towards girls under twelve (there are few questions pertaining to dating or boyfriends), The Quiz Book for BFFs will work best with girls who have a female best friend. The black and white illustrations are decorative in nature, but they include girls from various ethnic groups. References to Justin Bieber and Harry Potter may quickly date the book, but the combination of silly and serious questions would make this an entertaining book to bring along for a sleepover.

- CM Magazine
Reviews for Quiz Books for BFFs 2:
There are 30 quizzes in Becker’s second quiz book for girls, the first being The Quiz Book for BFFs. By doing these fun exercises together, friends can find out how well they know one another. Answers transpire after using math, art, dance, conversation and yoga. Using simple addition and code, girls can find out if they are destined to remain friends. The “Drawn Together” test asks readers to complete illustrations. There are “Fill-in-the Blank” stories to finish, questions that need a “Meh” or “Eek” answer, and a brain chart to divide up. Not every test is about boys, clothes and make-up. Instead, the author includes information about personality, sports, goals, and successful woman in history. Although these tests are not to be taken seriously (if you have a ballerina bun, you keep everyone on your toes; if you wear a French braid in your hair, you have a twisted sense of humour), they do allow silly interactions among friends. With the exception of the dance and yoga chart, most of the black and white illustrations that appear on each page are decorative in nature. The girls, who are cartoonish in style, represent different ethnic groups. This book could be used with groups of friends at a sleepover or a birthday party, or by an individual who just wants to get to know herself better.

- CM Magazine